Returns & Exchanges

We want to make it right

Returns & Exchanges

If you’re not happy with your purchase, we want to make it right. You can return or exchange your item for up to 30 days after purchase. (Shipped)*

You can’t return or exchange custom-designed merchandise, or any personalized engraved merchandise.

We will credit your original payment method.

Preparing Your Return By Mail

To return a shipped item to, please follow these steps:

  • Indicate the reason for your return in the Return Reason column on the packing slip next to the item you’re returning.
  • Include the packing slip and all original documents in the package.
  • Put the pre-printed return label on the center of the box, and the pre-printed return address label on the top left corner of the box. This is not a pre-paid label.
  • Ship your package with a paid return label and insured for the full purchase price. This return label can be purchased at any UPS, FedEx or USPS package delivery provider.
  • Your packing slip MUST accompany the return.
  • All returns will be inspected for any damages before we can process a refund.
  • We’ll credit your original payment method, excluding delivery charges, within two weeks of receiving your return.
  • Mail your return to the following address:
    Vecchio Siciliano Custom Jewelry LLC
    6537 S. Staples St. Suite 125 #348
    Corpus Christi, TX 78413
  • Vecchio Siciliano Custom Jewelry LLC isn’t responsible for merchandise that’s not received or not returned in accordance with these terms.